Keep Warm With These Furnace Maintenance Tips

Well, that time of year has come again – it looks like winter is here to stay. Over the coming months, you definitely do not want to experience a chilly breakdown. Fortunately, knowing how to care for your furnace is half the battle in preventing a costly furnace repair or replacement. Three simple maintenance tasks will help keep your home toasty and warm all winter long.

1. Prevent dust and dirt build up by replacing or cleaning the filter at the beginning of the heating season and at least once per month throughout the winter. This is easy. Simply remove your old filter and replace it with a new filter of the same type and size. Once you’re done installing a new filter, vacuum the interior of your furnace to prevent dust and dirt build up in the furnace body.

2. Prevent unnecessary strain on your furnace by removing furniture and household items that are blocking air vents and registers. If you stored anything near the furnace over the summer, be sure to find a new storage spot. In addition to putting strain on the furnace, these items can also be a fire hazard.

3. Finally, and most importantly, get a furnace service done by a professional once per year. In addition to cleaning the furnace and changing the filter, a professional will check for leaks, make adjustments to the regulators and controls, and ensure everything is working optimally. These annual tune-ups will keep your furnace running efficiently and extend the life of your system, giving you peace of mind on those especially cold nights.

Want to know more? Contact us. We’re here to help.